Britaniya Kral Ailəsi Toyları Arasındakı Əsas Fərqlər - FOTOLARDA

Son bir neçə il ərzində bizə Britaniya kral ailəsinin iki toyunu görmək nəsib olub. Kate Middleton və Şahzadə Uilyam 2011-ci ildə, Şahzadə Harri və Meqan Markl 2018-ci ildə ər-arvad oldular. Onların birliklərini qeyd edən toyların bəzi əsas oxşarlıqları var idi, lakin ümumilikdə tamamilə fərqli idi. Axı, William və Kate, ehtimal ki, bir gün Kral və Kraliça Consort olacaqlar, Harry və Meghan isə daha az "kral kimi ənənəvi" münasibətlərə sahibdirlər. İki dəbdəbəli toy arasında qaçırdığınız bəzi fərqlər var. Bu fərqlərdən hər hansı biri Harry və Meghanın kral ailəsi kimi rəsmi vəzifələrindən uzaqlaşa biləcəyinə dair bir ipucu verdimi - Buna Siz qərar verin.
Koridorla keçiş
ANDREW MILLIGAN/AFP via Getty Images/DANNY LAWSON/AFP via Getty Images
Kate Middleton və Meghan Markle, hər biri bütün dünyanın seyr etdiyi böyük günlərində koridorda irəliləyərkən onlara baxışın necə böyük olduğunu başa düşmək çətindir. Kembric hersoginyasını böyük günündə atası Maykl Middleton müşayiət edib.
Təəssüf ki, Sussex hersoginyasının atası toy tarixi ayı ərzində səhhətində problemlər yaşayırdı və bu, onun böyük tədbir üçün Londona getməsinə mane olurdu. Meghan, Şahzadə Çarlzın yarı yolda qarşılanmasından əvvəl koridorda tək başına getdi.
Kral Toy tortları
Lewis Whyld/WPA Pool/ Getty Images/Steve Parsons
Şahzadə Uilyam və Keytin toy tortu Fiona Cairns tərəfindən hazırlanıb və inanılmaz səkkiz pillədən ibarət olub. Cütlük ləzzət olaraq meyvəli tortu seçdi və cəmi 160.000 dollara başa gələn meyvəli tortu sevməyən qonaqlar üçün şokoladlı ikinci tort hazırladılar.
Şahzadə Harri və Meqan böyük günləri üçün ağcaqayın siropu və Amalfi limonlu kəsmik ilə limonlu süngər tortu seçdilər. Claire Ptak tərəfindən hazırlanan tortun qiymətinin 60-75 min dollar arasında olduğu bildirilir.
Milyonlarla tamaşaçı yeni evlənən kral cütlüyünün ilk öpüşünün şahidi olmaq üçün köklənib. Şahzadə Uilyam və Kembric hersoginyası Westminister Abbeydəki toy mərasimindən sonra Bukingem sarayının eyvanında ilk öpüşdülər.
Şahzadə Harri və Susseks hersoginyası ilk nikah öpüşlərini toy mərasimindən sonra Müqəddəs Georgi kilsəsinin qarşısında nümayiş etdirdilər. Hər iki cütlük izdiham onları alqışladıqca xoşbəxtlikdən parıldadı.
İki Tiara
Kral toyu ilə bağlı heç bir şey orta səviyyədə deyil, bu da bir çox insanın izləməyə başlamasının bir hissəsidir. Kral toylarını digərlərindən fərqləndirən cəhətlərdən biri də gəlinlərin tədbir üçün geyindikləri inanılmaz baş geyimləridir.
Keyt toyunda Kraliça II Yelizavetaya 18-ci ad günündə hədiyyə edilən Cartier tiara taxıb. Meghan həmçinin Kraliçaya məxsus tiara taxıb. Diamond Bandeau Tiara 1932-ci ildə dizayn edilmişdir. Meghan toy günü üçün sapfir mərkəzi daşı almazla əvəz etdi.
Nişan üzükləri
Şahzadə Uilyamın bir vaxtlar Keyt Middltona hədiyyə etdiyi nişan üzüyü Uilyamın mərhum anası Şahzadə Dianaya məxsus olub. Hazırda 400.000 dollar dəyərində olan 12 karatlıq üzükdə kəsilmiş üzləri olan oval mavi sapfir var. O, heyrətamiz solitaire brilyantları ilə dövrələnmişdir.
Meghanın nişan üzüyündə Şahzadə Diananın kolleksiyasından olan zinət əşyaları da var, onun iki brilyantı Şahzadə Harrinin indi evli cütlüyün ilk dəfə aşiq olduğu Botsvanadan aldığı daşı bəzəyir. Meqanın nişan üzüyünün dəyəri təxminən 350.000 dollardır.
İki Toy Qəbul Geyimi
Kral toylarından sonra hər Düşes paltarlarını dəyişdi və Şahzadə Çarlzın oğullarının hər biri və yeni arvadları üçün təşkil etdiyi toy qəbuluna getdi. Keyt qəbul üçün klassik ağ Alexander McQueen paltarı geyinib.
Meqanın paltarı Stella McCartney tərəfindən hazırlanıb və 157.000 dollara başa gəlib. Şahzadə Harri ona mavi rəngli vintage Jaguar-da kömək edərkən onunla əl-ələ tutduqda, o, heyrətamiz don geyinərkən göründü.
Middletonların Hər iki Toy üçün Geyimi
Michael and Carole Middleton, the parents of Kate, are elite members of British society. The family has a long history of prominent lawyers and are very well-educated. They're no strangers to the British royals, as the two families have shared ties for quite a number of years.
For their daughter's royal wedding, Michael donned a suit and top hat, while the Mother of the Bride wore a light blue dress. Both wore similar outfits when they attended Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding in 2018.
The Beckhams
Danny Martindale/FilmMagic/Chris Radburn - WPA Pool/Getty Images
Star soccer player David Beckham and his wife, fashion designer and former pop star Victoria Beckham, attended both royal weddings. David wore a grey morning suit and top hat for Prince William and Kate's wedding while Victoria wore a sleek navy dress and hat.
For Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding, the couple wore similar colors with David sporting a close haircut and beard instead of a top hat. The famous couple reportedly donated their outfits from the wedding to raise money for charity.
A Closer Look At The Beautiful Bouquets
Ian West/PA Images via Getty Images/Victoria Jones - WPA Pool/Getty Images
The wedding bouquets that Kate and Meghan held at their respective weddings look quite similar but have important differences between the two. Middleton's delicately small bouquet was designed by Shane Connolly and features all-white flowers, each representing something that the couple wishes for their marriage, including happiness and steady love.
Designed by Philippa Craddock, Meghan's bouquet included flowers that were handpicked by Prince Harry and symbolized hopes for their marriage, including dedication and love.
Kate Had A Maid Of Honor, Meghan Had Page Boys
Antony Jones/Julian Parker/Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images/Owen Humphreys - WPA Pool/Getty Images
As expected, Kate Middleton asked her younger sister Pippa to act as her Maid of Honor and carry her train down the aisle at Westminster Abbey. The two sisters are very close and lived together before Kate's wedding day.
On the other hand, Meghan didn't select a Maid of Honor, although she had several of her best friends in attendance at her royal wedding. Two page boys carried the train of Meghan's dress at St. George's Chapel.
Waving To The Crowd
In Pictures Ltd./Corbis via Getty Images/DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP via Getty Images
Upon officially joining the British royal family, Duchesses Kate and Meghan are expected to demonstrate the perfect regal wave. After the wedding ceremony, royal brides are expected to wave to the crowds during the carriage ride, as a sign of appreciation for the people that have gathered to celebrate.
Kate keeps her fingers close together for her wave, while Meghan has her fingers a bit more relaxed and spaced out. Both ladies use minimal movement while waving to the crowds.
The Grooms
Gareth Fuller/PA Images via Getty Images/BRIAN LAWLESS/AFP via Getty Images
Both Prince William and Prince Harry served in the military and wore their uniforms on their wedding days, as it's tradition for royal grooms to marry in military dress. William, a Colonel, wore a red Irish Guards uniform. He was the first royal groom to wear red since Captain Mark Phillips in 1973.
Prince Harry wore a Blues and Royals military uniform on his wedding day. He opted to wear a Major's uniform, even though he was appointed as Captain General of the Royal Marines.
Duchess Catherine Of Cambridge's Dress
Anthony Devlin/PA Images via Getty Images
The world waited with bated breath to see what dress Kate Middleton would wear as she married the future King. The Duchess of Cambridge selected a gown designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen. The dress was widely popular as viewers noted the blend of tradition and modern elegance, costing a reported $450,000.
Kate's dress featured lace that was handcrafted by the Royal School of Needlework and a nine-foot train. The back of the dress was extremely detailed with no less than 58 organza-covered buttons and Rouleau loops.
Some Thought Kate Wore White To Meghan's Wedding
Jane Barlow/PA Images via Getty Images
Traditionally, no one except the bride is supposed to wear white to a wedding. However, at first glance, many thought that the Duchess of Cambridge bent the rules on this one. Looking closer in different lighting, however, Kate's elegant Alexander McQueen coat was a primrose yellow.
Having just given birth to Prince Louis three weeks prior, Kate looked stunning, pairing the stylish light yellow coat with a Philip Treacy hat.
The Duchess Of Sussex's Wedding Dress
Designed by Clare Waight Keller of Givenchy, the Duchess of Sussex wore a silk dress on her wedding day. The dress featured an open boat neckline with an otherwise simple design, free of lace or any other embellishments.
The Duchess did incorporate a piece of fabric from her blue dress that she wore on her first date with Prince Harry. Although her train was modest, Meghan's veil was an incredible 16.5 feet long.
The Mother Of The Bride
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images/Gareth Fuller - WPA Pool/Getty Images
Carole Middleton didn't want to take the shine away from her daughter, the Duchess of Cambridge, on her big day. Her pale blue dress, designed by Catherine Walker, was the perfect shade for the spring wedding. The Mother of the Bride looked elated on Kate's big day.
Meghan's mother Doria Ragland flew in from Los Angeles to show her support for Prince Harry and Meghan's royal wedding. She wore a light green Oscar de la Renta dress, looking happy as ever as Meghan married her prince charming.
Prince Charles' Two Outfits
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images/Jane Barlow - WPA Pool/Getty Images
While Prince Charles' second wife Camilla Parker wore similar outfits to both royal weddings, the father of Prince William and Prince Harry wore noticeably different attire for two of the biggest days in his sons' lives.
For Prince William and Kate's wedding, Charles donned his royal uniform, complete with all its regalia. For Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding, Prince Charles wore a simple grey suit that paired well with Camilla's light pink dress and hat.
Not Everyone Was Invited To The Evening Wedding Receptions
Nick Ansell/AFP via Getty Images/DOMINIC LIPINSKI/AFP via Getty Images
Following each royal wedding is the evening reception. Not everyone who attends the grandiose weddings is invited to attend the evening receptions. Most guests changed outfits after the wedding for the magical night, which wasn't shared publicly.
Prince William and Kate Middleton held their evening reception at Buckingham Palace, while Prince Harry and Meghan held their reception at St. George's Hall in Windsor Castle. Both events followed tradition with speeches, toasts, and well wishes to the newly-wed couples.
Kate Is Thoroughly British
Julian Simmonds-Pool/Getty Images
While there were, of course, some critics of Kate Middleton her relationship with Prince William was announced, the couple seemed to be a perfect fit. Kate grew up in a wealthy family in Berkshire, England, and followed a proper path of education, attending St. Andrew's School, Downe House School, Marlborough College, and the University of St Andrews, where she met her future husband.
Kate's family has plenty of elite social ties; her father was born into wealth and also has ties to the British aristocracy, making it likely that Kate and William would meet.
Meghan's LA Background
Lev Radin/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
While Kate was born into wealth and set on a path of proper education and finding a suitor, Meghan took an interest in acting and pursued her career. She attended an all-girls Catholic private school in Los Angeles and went on to double major in theater and international studies at Northwestern University.
Meghan's father worked in television, as a director of photography and lighting, while her mother was a social worker and yoga instructor.
Chelsy Davy's Royal Wedding Outfits
Martin Fraser/FilmMagic/Pool/Max Mumby/Getty Images
Before Meghan Markle, Prince Harry had an on-again-off-again relationship with Chelsy Davy, a businesswoman from Zimbabwe, that spanned seven years. Harry and Chelsy dated from 2004 until 2011, and she was invited to both Prince William and Prince Harry's weddings.
At the time of Prince William's wedding, Harry and Chelsy had just broken up. Parade magazine reports that the enormity of the event kept Harry and Chelsy apart for good, as Chelsy realized the royal family life wasn't for her. She wasn't invited to Prince Harry and Meghan's evening reception.
The Price Tag Of Each Wedding
John Stillwell/PA Images via Getty Images/Jane Barlow/PA Images via Getty Images
It's no secret that both royal weddings cost well above the average wedding for a commoner. Every detail of the event is given proper attention, as the weddings of the British royal family become a part of history. The incredible guest list alone will have the numbers skyrocketing.
In total, Prince William and Kate's 2011 wedding hosted 2,500 guests and cost $34 million. In 2018, Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding had fewer guests (600) yet cost a reported $55 million.
From Light To Bright: The Queen's Royal Wedding Attire
Kurt Krieger/Corbis via Getty Images/Pool/Max Mumby/Getty Images
Queen Elizabeth II is known for wearing bright outfits. She's been quoted as saying, "I can never wear beige because nobody will know who I am." For Prince William and Kate's wedding, the Queen wore a primrose yellow long sleeve dress with a matching hat.
In 2018, when she attended Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding, the Queen opted for a brighter green coat over a purple dress. She paired it with a matching green hat with purple feather ornamentation.
The Royal Wedding Veils
Samir Hussein/WireImage/Ben Birchall - WPA Pool/Getty Images
While Kate's wedding dress train topped Meghan's, it was Meghan's veil that stunned guests and everyone watching from home. Kate's veil was a top-secret project of the Royal School of Needlework that paired elegantly with the tiara borrowed from the Queen.
Clare Waight Keller designed Meghan's 16.5-foot-long veil that featured the wildflowers of 53 countries after Meghan made a request that all the Commonwealth's nations be represented in her veil design.
Pippa Middleton's Outfits Caught Attention
CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images/Pool/Samir Hussein/WireImage
The younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, Pippa Middleton was the Maid of Honor at her sister's wedding in 2011. Pippa's gown featured a design that complemented her sister's and the bridesmaids' dresses while also standing apart. Her reputation grew after the event as viewers were captivated with Kate's younger sister.
Pippa, who got married herself in 2017, attended Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding wearing a light green floral dress with a price tag of $695.
The Bride's Earrings
BEN STANSALL/AFP via Getty Images/Pool/Max Mumby/Getty Images
On her wedding day, the Duchess of Cambridge selected a pair of Robinson Pelham diamond earrings. Costing a reported $20,000, the earrings featured a teardrop shape that complemented her diamond tiara.
Meghan wore Cartier earrings when she wed Prince Harry. The diamond and white gold earrings paired well with her tiara, which was borrowed from the Queen who inherited it from Queen Mary in 1953. Meghan also wore a Reflection de Cartier diamond bracelet.
Princess Anne Wore Different Shades of Purple
Ian Gavan/GP/Getty Images/CHRIS JACKSON/AFP via Getty Images
We mustn't forget about Princess Anne. The daughter of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, Princess Anne attended both of her nephews' weddings in style. For Prince William and Kate's wedding, she wore a purple and green collared coat paired with a bright purple hat, choosing colors similar to her mother's.
For Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding, Princess Anne wore a deeper purple coat with a wrap style. She accessorized the look with a purple-hued hairpiece and clutch.
The Crowds On The Big Day
Chris Ison/PA Images via Getty Images/EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP via Getty Images
Prince William and Kate's wedding had far more guests and a far larger crowd than Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding. It makes sense, as one day Prince William will most likely be named King. The couple also had the bigger wedding venue, bringing nearly 2,000 people to catch a glimpse of the action at Westminister Abbey.
On the day of Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding, an unknown number of people flocked to Windsor Castle to be in the presence of the newlyweds. However, not as many people were able to gather at the smaller venue of St. George's Chapel.
The Phillips' Attire - Prince William And Harry's Cousin
Mike Marsland/WireImage/Pool/Max Mumby/Getty Images
The eldest grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II, Peter Phillips attended both royal weddings with his wife Autumn. The couple has two daughters together, Savannah and Isla. Autumn Kelly wore a stunning purple collared dress with a flared skirt to Prince William and Kate's wedding.
When she and Peter attended Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding, Autumn wore an elegant long-sleeved royal blue dress with a teal hat and her hair down.
Lady Kitty Spencer's Elegant Dresses
Anthony Devlin/PA Images via Getty Images/Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images
The absence and memory of Princess Diana was strongly felt at both Prince William and Prince Harry's weddings. Each of her sons paid tribute to their late mother in their own ways, keeping her memory close on their big days.
Lady Kitty Spencer, the niece of Princess Diana and cousin of Prince William and Prince Harry, attended both of her cousins' weddings. She wore a light, tightly-fitted beige dress to William's wedding. For Harry's, Kitty wore a green square neck dress with a colorful floral design on the skirt.
Prince Philip's Attire
Chris Jackson/Getty Images/GARETH FULLER/AFP via Getty Images
Prince William and Prince Harry's grandfather Prince Phillip was a proud man on both of their wedding days. Prince William wore red on his wedding day while Prince Philip attended the event wearing his red Grenadier Guards Uniform.